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"To me, the beauty comes from the pure random and unplanned effects that need to be nurtured along."
Explore the medium of wax, draw with crayons on a hotplate and imprint the image onto rice paper. Using oil pastel crayons, encaustic wax and pigment sticks, create a series of encaustic monoprints on rice paper, using a hotplate. Additional mark making tools used include graphite pencils, India ink and alcohol ink.
Let's Get Melting! Wax Monoprints

In this fun class, you will create beautiful collage papers using the Gelli plate printing technique. Then you will use those printed designs to create a finished collage painting.
Taking Your Collage Further with Gelli Prints

Create whimsical botanical paintings on beeswax-coated panels using alcohol inks and cans of compressed air. Fashion fun, floral-inspired paintings using alcohol ink as your paint.
Botanical Painting with Alcohol Ink on Beeswax

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